Personal data

Birth date and place May 22, 1996, Hamburg, Germany
Citizenship German

Work Experience

2023—present AEC Fellow, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.
2020—2023 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Durham, Durham, United Kingdom.
2016—2020 Doctoral Student, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland. Dissertation ‘McMule — QED Corrections for Low-Energy Experiments’.
2016 Master student, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. Master thesis ‘Automated computation of the muon decay at NLO’.
2015 Bachelor student, II. Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany. Bachelor thesis ‘QCD predictions for $W^\pm$- and $Z$-boson production at the LHC’.


2016 — Jun 2020 Doktor der Naturwissenschaften, University of Zurich, Supervisor: Prof Adrian Signer.
2015 — 2016 Master of Science, University of Zurich, Physics Fast Track program.
2013 — 2015 Bachelor of Science, University of Hamburg, Undergraduate studies in physics.


[28] Yannick Ulrich, QED at NNLO and beyond for precision experiments, PoS RADCOR2023 (2023) 077 [2309.06070].
[27] T. Engel, F. Hagelstein, M. Rocco, V. Sharkovska, A. Signer, Y. Ulrich, Impact of NNLO QED corrections on lepton-proton scattering at MUSE, 2307.16831.
[26] A. Afanasev et al., Radiative Corrections: From Medium to High Energy Experiments, 2306.14578.
[25] A. Broggio et al., Muon-electron scattering at NNLO, JHEP 01 (2023) 112 [2212.06481].
[24] A. Gurgone et al., Improved muon decay simulation with McMule and Geant4  in 15th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors: Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics, 2022 2211.02030.
[23] P. Banerjee, A. M. Coutinho, T. Engel, A. Gurgone, A. Signer, Y. Ulrich, High-precision muon decay predictions for ALP searches, 2211.01040.
[22] S. Kollatzsch, Y. Ulrich, Lepton pair production at NNLO in QED with EW effects, 2210.17172.
[21] F. Maltoni et al., TF07 Snowmass Report: Theory of Collider Phenomena  in 2022 Snowmass Summer Study, 2022 2210.02591.
[20] S. Frixione et al., Initial state QED radiation aspects for future $e^+e^-$ colliders  in 2022 Snowmass Summer Study, 2022 2203.12557.
[19] J. M. Campbell et al., Event Generators for High-Energy Physics Experiments  in 2022 Snowmass Summer Study, 2022 2203.11110.
[18] Y. Ulrich et al., The McMule Manual, doi:10.5281/zenodo.6046769.
[17] T. Engel, A. Signer, Y. Ulrich, Universal structure of radiative QED amplitudes at one loop, JHEP 04 (2022) 097 [2112.07570].
[16] P. Banerjee, T. Engel, N. Schalch, A. Signer, Y. Ulrich, Møller scattering at NNLO, Phys. Rev. D 105 (2022) L031904 [2107.12311].
[15] P. Banerjee, T. Engel, N. Schalch, A. Signer, Y. Ulrich, Bhabha scattering at NNLO with next-to-soft stabilisation, Phys. Lett. B 820 (2021) 136547 [2106.07469].
[14] W. J. Torres Bobadilla et al., May the four be with you: Novel IR-subtraction methods to tackle NNLO calculations, Eur. Phys. J. C 81 (2021) 250 [2012.02567].
[13] Y. Ulrich, McMule — QED Corrections for Low-Energy Experiments, 2008.09383.
[12] P. Banerjee, T. Engel, A. Signer, Y. Ulrich, QED at NNLO with McMule, SciPost Phys. 9 (2020) 027 [2007.01654].
[11] P. Banerjee et al., Theory for muon-electron scattering @ 10 ppm: A report of the MUonE theory initiative, Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) 591 [2004.13663].
[10] T. Engel, A. Signer, Y. Ulrich, A subtraction scheme for massive QED, JHEP 01 (2020) 085 [1909.10244].
[9] L. Naterop, A. Signer, Y. Ulrich, handyG —- Rapid numerical evaluation of generalised polylogarithms in Fortran, Comput. Phys. Commun. 253 (2020) 107165 [1909.01656].
[8] T. Engel, C. Gnendiger, A. Signer, Y. Ulrich, Small-mass effects in heavy-to-light form factors, JHEP 02 (2019) 118 [1811.06461].
[7] G Abbiendi et al., Letter of Intent: the MUonE project, link.
[6] F. Bernlochner et al., PSI/UZH Workshop: Impact of $B\to\mu^+\mu^-$ on New Physics Searches, 1803.10097.
[5] Y. Ulrich, Fully differential NLO predictions for rare and radiative lepton decays, PoS NuFact2017 (2018) 124 [1712.05633].
[4] A. Crivellin, D. Müller, A. Signer, Y. Ulrich, Correlating lepton flavor universality violation in $B$ decays with $\mu\to e\gamma$ using leptoquarks, Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018) 015019 [1706.08511].
[3] G. M. Pruna, A. Signer, Y. Ulrich, Fully differential NLO predictions for the radiative decay of muons and taus, Phys. Lett. B 772 (2017) 452—458 [1705.03782].
[2] C. Gnendiger et al., To $d$, or not to $d$: recent developments and comparisons of regularization schemes, Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 471 [1705.01827].
[1] G. M. Pruna, A. Signer, Y. Ulrich, Fully differential NLO predictions for the rare muon decay, Phys. Lett. B 765 (2017) 280—284 [1611.03617].


04.04.2024 $\mu$-$e$ scattering at 10ppm, Fermilab Theory Seminars, Batavia, IL, USA. (pdf)
04.04.2024 NNLO QED for $e$-$p$ and $e$-$e$ scattering with McMule for PRad, Argonne MEP Seminar, Lemont, IL, USA. (pdf)
01.04.2024 $\mu$-$e$ scattering at 10ppm, Theory Seminar, Newport News, VA, USA. (pdf)
26.03.2024 MUonE — $\mu$-$e$ scattering at 10ppm, High Energy Physics Seminar, Gainesville, FL, USA. (pdf)
22.03.2024 $\mu$-$e$ scattering at 10ppm, HET Lunch Seminar, Brookhaven, NY, USA. (pdf)
20.03.2024 QED with McMule, Special CFNS Seminar, Stony Brook, NY, USA. (pdf)
14.03.2024 McMule — a Monte Carlo generator for low energy processes, ACAT 2024, Stony Brook, NY, USA. (pdf)
27.02.2024 Status of McMule: event generation at NNLO and future, 5th MUonE collaboration meeting, CERN, Switzerland. (pdf)
08.12.2023 IR subtraction and event generation, ITP Lunch Seminar, Bern, Switzerland. (pdf)
08.11.2023 McMule — Monte Carlo for MUons and other LEptons, II Workshop on Muon Precision Physics, Liverpool, England. (pdf)
14.09.2023 Broadening access to EDI work at IPPP in Durham, Redefining the status quo in academia — a GW4 EDI STEMM Conference, Cardiff, Wales. (pdf)
26.06.2023 MUonE — $\mu$-$e$ scattering at 10ppm, Desy Theory Seminar, Hamburg, Germany. (pdf)
06.06.2023 From Cross Sections to Events: An amateur's guide / Towards N$^3$LO: Overview, 5th Workstop / Thinkstart, Zurich, Swizterland. (pdf)
01.06.2023 QED at NNLO and beyond for precision experiments, Radcor 2023, Crieff, Scotland. (pdf)
10.03.2023 MUonE — $\mu$-$e$ scattering at 10ppm, IPPP Internal Seminar, Durham, England. (pdf)
16.11.2022 Report on the Durham workstop/thinkstart on N$^3$LO, MITP workshop: ‘The Evaluation of the Leading Hadronic Contribution to the Muon g-2: Toward the MUonE Experiment’, Mainz, Germany. (pdf)
16.11.2022 Introduction to McMule, MITP workshop: ‘The Evaluation of the Leading Hadronic Contribution to the Muon g-2: Toward the MUonE Experiment’, Mainz, Germany. (pdf)
18.10.2022 QED corrections for precision experiments, Seminar talk, Vienna, Austria. (pdf)
29.09.2022 QED calculations at NNLO (and beyond), MITP workshop ‘Power Expansions on the Lightcone: From Theory to Phenomenology’, Mainz, Germany. (pdf)
27.09.2022 QED calculations at NNLO (and beyond), Talk to the IPPP Steering Committee, Durham, England. (pdf)
22.09.2022 NNLO calculations for low-energy experiments, HP$^2$, Newcastle, England. (pdf)
21.07.2022 NNLO results with McMule, ECT* workshop ‘Radiative Corrections from medium to high energy experiments’, Trento, Italy. (pdf)
28.02.2022 QED corrections for precision experiments, Formal Seminar, Brighton, England. (pdf)
02.12.2021 QED corrections for precision experiments, IKTP seminar, Dresden, Germany. (pdf)
05.11.2020 McMule — QED Corrections for Low-Energy Experiments, Cavendish HEP Seminars, Cambridge, England. (pdf)
12.02.2020 Towards a NNLO Monte Carlo for MUonE: PSI side, 2nd MUonE collaboration meeting, CERN, Switzerland. (pdf)
09.01.2020 The proton radius (puzzle), MUonE internal meeting.
05.11.2019 The $\mathrm{FKS}^2$ subtraction scheme: status and future, PARTICLEFACE WG1 Meeting - WorkStop/ThinkStart 3.0: paving the way to alternative NNLO strategies, Galileo Galilei Institute, Florence, Italy. (pdf)
23.10.2019 High-precision QED prediction for low-energy lepton experiments, Physics of fundamental Symmetries and Interactions - PSI2019, Villigen, Switzerland. (pdf)
20.05.2019 Higher order corrections for muons, LTP seminar, Villigen, Switzerland. (pdf)
01.04.2019 Masses in QED calculations: Massification and subtraction, Theory Seminar, Siegen, Germany. (pdf)
05.02.2019 From matrix elements to a NNLO parton-level Monte Carlo for $\mu$-$e$ scattering, 2nd workstop ‘Theory for muon-electron scattering @ 10ppm’, Zurich, Switzerland. (pdf)
09.03.2018 Fully differential predictions for lepton decays, Zurich PhD seminar, Zurich, Switzerland. (pdf)
21.02.2018 Muon decay at NNLO: Status Update, MITP topical workshop ‘The Evaluation of the Leading Hadronic Contribution to the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment’, Mainz, Germany. (pdf)
29.09.2017 Fully differential NLO predictions for rare and radiative lepton decays, 19th International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators, Uppsala, Sweden. (pdf)
05.09.2017 Muon decay at NNLO: plans and interim results, Muon-electron scattering: Theory kickoff workshop, Padua, Italy. (pdf)
24.08.2017 Fully differential NLO predictions for rare and radiative lepton decays, Joint Annual Meeting of SPS and ÖPG, Geneva, Switzerland. (pdf)
21.02.2017 Precise Standard Model predictions for the Mu3e and MEG experiment, 1st PRISMA Interactive Research Symposium, Mainz, Germany. (pdf)
10.09.2016 Muon decay, 48th Herbstschule für Hochenergiephysik 2016, Maria Laach, Germany. (pdf)

EDI and Outreach

2021—2023 EDI seminar (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity), IPPP, University of Durham, Co-organiser together with M. West.
2023 Nuffield Research Placement Supervisor and IPPP Coordinator, STEM Learning Ltd., The NRP offers Year 12 high school students the opportunity for a short research placement in a research institute.
2023 Academic mentor, Durham Sixth Form Centre.
2022 STEM Ambassador, STEM Learning Ltd..
2022 Presentation and demonstrations at Open Days, University of Durham.
2022 Technical lead on the development of a virtual cloud chamber exhibit, University of Durham and Ogden Trust.

Teaching activities

2024 Graduate Course ‘Practical guide to loop integration’, University of Bern.
2023 Summer student project ‘Defining and validating observables for low-energy experiments’, University of Durham, Zachery McBrearty.
2022 Research internship ‘Neutrino spectrum in the muon decay’, ENS Lyon, Aymeric Proust.
2022 Block course ‘Practical guide to analytic loop integration’, University of Durham.
2020 Summer project ‘Forwards-backwards asymmetries with McMule, Paul Scherrer Institut, Sophie Kollatzsch.

Main responsibility in day-to-day supervision

2021 — 2022 Master thesis, TU Dresden, Sophie Kollatzsch with Prof Dominik Stöckinger and Prof Adrian Signer.
2020 — 2021 Master thesis ‘$ee\to\gamma\gamma$ @ NNLO’, University of Zürich, Luca Naterop with Prof Adrian Signer.
2020 Master thesis ‘NNLO Corrections to Møller Scattering’, ETH Zurich, Nicolas Schalch with Prof Adrian Signer.
2019 — 2020 Master thesis ‘Search for $\mu\to eX$ with the MEG II experiment QED corrections with McMule and expected sensitivity’, University of Pisa, Day-to-day supervision of the theoretical studies of Andrea Gurgone with Prof Adrian Signer and Prof Angela Papa.
2019 Semester project ‘NLO Corrections to the Rare Lepton Decay’, ETH Zurich, Day-to-day supervision of Nicolas Schalch with Prof Adrian Signer.
2019 Bachelor thesis ‘A handy implementation of Generalized Polylogarithms’, University of Zurich, Day-to-day supervision of Luca Naterop with Prof Adrian Signer.

Further contributions

2022 — 2023 Foundations of Physics IIA, University of Durham, Workshop leader.
2021 Mathematics Workshop, University of Durham, Tutor.
2020 Foundations of Physics I, University of Durham, Tutor.
2020 Bachelor thesis ‘Quantum mechanical illustration in the context of Haag’s theorem in Quantum Field Theory', TU Dresden, Sophie Kollatzsch with Prof Dominik Stöckinger.
2019 Bachelor thesis ‘Ultra Cold Neutron in Uniform Gravitational Potential with Parabolic Boundaries’, University of Zurich, Co-supervision of Johannes Lade with Prof Adrian Signer.
2019 Bachelor thesis ‘Mellin-Barnes for two-loop integrals’, University of Zurich, Co-supervision of David Urwyler with Prof Adrian Signer and Tim Engel.
2018 Quantum Mechanics I, University of Zurich, Teaching assistance for Prof Adrian Signer.
2017 — 2018 Master thesis ‘Two-loop corrections to the muon decay’, ETH Zurich, Co-supervision of Tim Engel with Prof Adrian Signer.
2017 Quantum Mechanics I, University of Zurich, Teaching assistance for Prof Adrian Signer.
2016 Analysis I, University of Zurich, Teaching assistance for Prof Camillo De Lellis.

Awards and grants received

2023 Physics Department Award for Excellence, University of Durham, For his precision predictions for low-energy experiments..
2023 Discretionary Award, University of Durham, Award for making a contribution over and above the normal expectations of my role, including EDI work and Teaching.
2023 EDI Fund, University of Durham, Grant worth £1,600 to support research placements in the IPPP for Year 12 student.
2022 Developing Talent Award, University of Durham, Grant worth £4,000 to organise workshop ‘Towards N$^3$LO for $ee\to\mu\mu$ and $e\mu\to e\mu$’.
2019 Candoc PhD Scholarship, University of Zurich's Forschungskredit, Grant worth CHF 38,364 for the project ‘NNLO QED corrections’.
2015 Heinrich-Hertz Preis, University of Hamburg, Award for the best B.Sc. degree in physics.
2015 Scholarship, German National Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes).

Academic citizenship

2023 th{5} Workstop / Thinkstart: Radiative corrections and Monte Carlo tools for Strong 2020, University of Zurich, Scientific organising committee.
2023 Physics Department Developing Talent Award, University of Durham, Panel member.
2022 — present Radiative Corrections from medium to high energy experiments, Co-convener for Event Generators with Jan Bernauer.
2022 N$^3$LO kick-off workstop / thinkstart, University of Durham, Main organiser.
2022 Snowmass process, Contributor to two whitepapers.
2020—present McMule collaboration, Co-spokesperson together with A. Signer.
2019 2nd Workstop Theory for muon-electron scattering @ 10ppm, University of Zurich, Local organising committee and convener of Session 4 ‘fixed-order NNLO + resummation’.
2018 MUonE Letter of Intent, Signatory on behalf of the McMule collaboration.


German Mothertongue
Englisch Fluent knowledge (C2)
Latin Latinum

