Where's my Nobel Prize?

The stories of some under-represented and under-appreciated scientists in Particle Physics.

Abstract: Modern day particle physics is a global effort, with multiple countries and cultures contributing the advancement of the field. In many ways, this has not changed since the advent of the field in the early 1900s. What has changed is the recognition we give to all the excellent scientists who have done the work. The lives of under-privileged physicists of the past seldom make it into history books. During this two hour course, we will share some of their stories.

Contact: Yannick Ulrich

Format and material

This course consists of two lectures at 11am in OC218 (James Stirling Room) and on Zoom

12 May introduction to the topic and two themes (wives and families of scientists & eurocentrism) slides, recording
15 May discussion of more examples, based on participant input

This course was organised by the IPPP EDI Group. The lecturers are Ansh Bhatnagar, Sofie Erner, James Maxwell, Tommy Smith, Tom Stone, Yannick Ulrich.


Further reading

Suggestions for people to look into

Note: this is a random collection of people we stumbled across when researching this course. It is by no means complete. Please get in touch with your suggestions and we will add them!

Theme 1

Theme 2

Going further still